September 24, 2011

Longshot, Stage 1

This is a simple AR removal and spring upgrade guide. Later posts about the longshot will include pump action mods, short-stock and front gun integration.
First off, I would like to apologize for the low quality pictures. They were taken with a PSP camera, only .7 MP I think.

Open the gun, there are hidden screws around the bi-pod.

Next, remove the breech and plunger tube. (The giant  orange tube)

Take out the two screws at the back of the plunger tube (shown at right).

Slide the Plunger tube down so that the part shown in the picture at left is closer to the opening, then use pliers to snap off the three wings that are circled in the picture. Then pull out the center circular cap. The AR will fall out. (Shown in next picture.)

The peg is in this tube, we removed it. If you use homemade darts, take it out. If not, it's optional. To remove it, use a drill. 15/32 bit.

If you want to add a spring, I recommend a large AR-15 buffer/action spring. Available at most gun stores for less than $5. Cut 13 twist off from the spring and add it to your gun by removing the screw shown here:

We added an AR-15 spring and some other random spring. We did not upgrade the catch spring.

I don't have ranges right now. This gun is Hippo's, I need to get that data from him.


  1. thanks for posting the link! portal

  2. Burrito, here's the banner link. If you want something different just tell me on Chatroll.
