This blaster is O.K.
Pros. Highly appealing looks, nice output, removable stock, tac rail, and fast RoF.Cons. Runs out of water quickly, hard to push-pull, gimicky.
Overall, this blaster is very fun, I enjoy the whole helix as pictured below and freezing the helix to FREEEEEEZE my adversaries muhahaha. Or I could put ICE in the clip :D
Overall ratings
Appearance 10/10
Stock capacity/max capacity 4/10 - 8/10
Accuracy 9/10 Push-pull decreases accuracy but this blaster has a decent spread.
Range 7/10 20 - 25 feet. It's ok for range.
Value 8/10 I got 3 at costco for 15$ but the normal price is 20.
Overall! 7.6/10 I recommend this blaster, but dont pay a high bid for it.
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