March 12, 2012

My longshot had a nuclear meltdown!

So I have been working on my longshot for over 2 months, when something crazy happened. I found the greatest looking paint ever! It is made by krylon and looks epic. I was hoping this was a different color than it was, but it worked out better than I hoped. Of course there is a down side to all of this. Only one side is done. So I still need to work on the other half but this turned out so well that I had to show this off. I used an enamel paint set to touch up little spots I missed. I cut off the front bipod because I thought it looks better without it. The stock has an identical paint job done too it. All the other parts are still getting painted so they will be awhile as well. Overall I love this blaster so much this I hope will be a NIC quality blaster when I'm done with it. I hope to give it a CPVC breech as well as a k26 spring. So this should pack some punch.

Look out for a halo style longshot after I'm done with this one.


  1. Wow, I thought this blog was dead! Pretty cool PJ by the way. Hope your cpvc breech turns out good. I decided to ditch mine and use a different style breech. Anyways, looking forward to it!

  2. The blog is not dead, ice and I have things that are more important than the Internet, like schoolwork.

  3. looks good so far. I can't wait to see the finished product.
